Sunday, June 29, 2008

like the ants

Sometimes I am so intent on understanding the big picture that I forget to slow down and analyze the small, crucial things. This small realization occurred one evening on a bench as I bent over to tie my shoe. I scanned the patterned brick below me, admired it for a brief second, then went back to lacing. But at a second glance, I focused in on one area and noticed small ants jiving and zigzagging carrying leaves and ducking between spaces in the bricks. As an Animal Planet/Discovery Channel fanatic, I found this way cool. Applying this to my everyday life, I discovered that if I never take time to direct my attention towards where I'm needed I'd miss out on a lot more 'way cool' things. Take time, slow down, appreciate and concentrate on the small things; because this will help in piecing together the ever-confusing, big picture.

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