Saturday, July 26, 2008

sin fronteras

A religion, I feel, has been diverted into an organization that has rules and boundaries created out of fear of chaos. We instill laws because we have no trust, which by any means is legitimized when mass murders and other awful, human caused events occur. We create institutions like marriage, religions, rules, and borders in attempt to grasp security and control. These structures are in effort to a sense of security where there isn’t any. Only God is able to provide true security in our lives. Life is about a circle of relationship, not a hierarchy of power.

That’s one neat thing about Beach Community Church, where we worship- I would call it a hut. And what’s neat about our bungalow is the fact that it has no walls. We worship “Sin Fronteras” (Without Borders). There’s no limit to who can attend, to our love, to the hands and feet of the church which extend across the world. There is nothing to hold us back.

We were created to share life and build relationships, not place boundaries on love. Submission to God and those in our lives isn’t out of obedience either, simply out of respect. If we are submissive to one another, equally and in the same manner out of genuine love, there’s no need for authority in relationships. God wants us to join them in their circle of relationship. One thing I’ve learned is that God doesn’t want to be number one on our daily to-do lists, rather the center of our lives. We should be revolving around him, not placing him first. With ranking comes a sense of power, which is not how relationships were intended to be lived out.

Equality in pure love brings true contentment, but first we must be willing to give up our independence. Learn to rely on God, to trust that He is good. It’s hard to rescue someone that lives by fear and has no trust.

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