Monday, June 14, 2010


An incredible amount happened at orientation yesterday and today!
Basically, the people are incredible, and the work we will be doing is seriously going to make a huge impact on these kids lives.

The people:
12 beautiful people from all over; most of us are from UNC chapel hill, one from NC State, 2 from Emory, and 1 from Messiah University. We took a personality test and compared answers. This was to help us get to know each other better but also learn how we could best work with each other. I am a "Reformer: principles, idealistic, ethically conscientious, a crusader, teacher, striving to improve things but afraid to make a mistake as reformers are perfectionists. Wise, discerning, realistic, noble, and morally heroic." The test is called an Enneagram if you want to check it out!
We got lots of time to talk and bond and goof around. I'm so excited to be living and working with these people over the next month! :D

How Kenyan Adoption Works:

1) A good Samaritan finds an abandoned baby and takes the baby a Hospital or District Children's office
2) New Life Home's is notified and we go pick the baby up
3) Then, we must go to the police station and get the baby an ID number and birth certificate
4) The baby is taken care of at New Life Homes
5) During the baby's stay at New Life Homes, an Adoption Packet is put together containing name, DOB, police reports, psycho-social, developmental timeline, case summary, medical records, etc…
6) The Adoption Files are then presented to a Kenyan Adoption Case Committee who then either approves, rejects, or defers the case. They meet twice a month.

As of right now, most of these Adoption packets are hand written. One of our many tasks in Kenya will be to introduce the 7 homes to lap tops and electronic files. This makes the process more efficient and less margin for error. The most common reason for deferral or rejection is due to a missing file.

This will make the entire process a billion times more efficient!

More work:
We will also be putting together Baby Booklets.
1) Each baby will have several pictures of him/herself
2) Information including first word and other developmental firsts, where the baby was born, and a personality summary
3) This book will be a way for potential parents to know the baby's better but also is a sentimental gift that they will be able to treasure forever.

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