Thursday, August 27, 2009

mas amor

(written 7/31/09)
Love is God.
Life doesn't become real until you start living.
Life includes the pain and hurt, in fact, that's when reality sets in.
One can hear all the wisdom in the world but that doesn't mean he will listen and follow that advise. Mistakes must be made and trials experienced.
Life is experience.
But death is Fear.
We fear truly stepping out, trusting, experience, because we're afraid to fail. So, We stick to our routines, religions, checklists and all that is familiar. We remain inside our bubbles and never look to the horizon. If you're kept in a cage your muscles will adapt and be conditioned to remain in that small, confined space. The same with our minds, heart and soul.
Expand, look and live further than the things that are in our control. Be rid of expectatoins, definitions, and fear. When we remember the joy of our imagination and dreams we also remember the carefree nature and ability to have faith when we were children.
Life is full of Love.
The only sin is not to Love.
So lets not die.

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