Friday, May 15, 2009


If there's anything I've learned over the past few months is the importance of community.

Whether working through the giftings or working through a tough situation in one's life, the emphasis should be on working together. In my stubbornness, I neglected people's offers for help. I didn't want to cast my burdens onto their already busy and heavy backs. But iron sharpens iron.

When I am at a prayer meeting, I can feel how much more power there is with people. If we were meant to do things on our own, God would have only created Adam. Yet, there lacked a completeness with just one individual. Communion between the people closest to me has been so incredibly important over the past few months. In the animal world, packs rely on each other to be fed, for protection, and direction.

We are the body of Christ, each uniquely working together. However, I am still trying to find the balance between too much dependence and a necessary/healthy supporting net of brothers and sisters. Because in the end, the most crucial communion is that with our Creator.

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