Sunday, December 28, 2008


You don't have to understand it, just accept it. These words have rung so true in my (Laura's) cluttered brain. A person can accept the fact that food nourishes one body; one doesn't have to know exactly how food breaks down and little enzymes carry the vitamins to nourish us. Unless you are a food scientists, or just really like Wikipedia, one won't be able to easily comprehend the complicated and detailed journey food takes to ultimately be used as fuel for our bodies. The same for Christianity. I don't have to understand why Jesus loves me, just accept His love. Move past the details and focus on the outcome, the fact that He does and will love. We were created to only run on one thing; God. He's the only thing that will ever satisfy, and the only thing we need. We were designed only to be fueled by Him, He that is Love.

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