Saturday, June 13, 2009

the calling

Its born through a revolution
A bravery like fire
Live alone or die together
The fight with a cause
For a passion that burns inside
And flows outwards
When will the world wake up
Wipe the ignorance off our eyes
The grenades of deception and division
We must advance with unity
Stand and realize who Love is
Because we can
Our captain

Night reveals more dark
Uncovering and bare
From the shadows one inquires our significance
We question
The merit of that which we rage against
Cycle of sleep and wandering
It will drown the light
Break free
Drums of routine echo and overtake
Some fall
Assault finds our backs
In the quiet
Because everyone is still sleeping

Arise and remember
March in agreement and hear the commands
The Rock trains hands for war and fingers for battle
Look to the high ground
Take position, there is a plan
A fortified wall of bronze
Don't lose heart
With faith there's joy
They will fight against you but will not overcome
Rescue and Light
The war has been won
But the battle has just begun